Resources and Advice for PhD Students

  1. Write your papers and make your slides with LaTeX. Click here for details.
  2. Learn numerical methods and solve your models on the computer. Click here for some help getting started.
  3. Improve your writing skills.
      a. A very useful book is: Elements of Style by Strunk, White, and Angell (this guide is a must-read!)
  4. Presentation skills are important!
      a. Practice with your classmates.
      b. Explain to your parents what you are working on and why it is interesting.
      c. Pretty slides are not enough. Think about what you want to communicate, and emphasize the main points you want to make.
  5. Don’t underestimate the importance of being a “social economist”
      a. Practice econ small talk by talking to your classmates about your research.
      b. Ask good questions in seminars.
      c. Apply to conferences early, and especially during the summer before going on the market.
      e. Meet with seminar speakers or join for lunch.
  6. Some additional resources
      b. Form a dissertation group. Click here for details.
      c. Robert Boice has a book called Advice for New Faculty Members that makes good reading for advanced students. It also has some ideas for time management and efficient teaching.
  7. Job Market Resources
      e. You can find some UK- and European-specific information here.
      f. Talk to your advisor about going on the market and what schools you should apply to.
  8. Resources for Female Phd Students
      b. CSWEP also sponsors an array of programs and resources designed to promote the careers of female economists such as CeMENT Mentoring Workshops or the Summer Economics Fellows Program.